"Are You Telling Me I'm Going To Make
$6.2 Million A Year Like Corey

You've got to realize that — on the Internet — $6.2 Million isn't that much. Remember that Fortune Magazine article? Even 32-year old Jeffrey Arnold of WebMd, they reported, was worth $321 million last year. And he's only a year older than Corey.

At the same time, your personal ambitions, your beliefs, or how much time you're devoting to your business might be quite different from Corey's. So there's no way anyone can really guarantee you a specific income of any amount.

However, even if you're not extremely ambitious — even if you don't spend every waking minute on your business — you can certainly use Corey's tested, proven, and guaranteed strategies to reach your income goals… whatever they are.

Listen, if an extra $2,500 per month is all you're after, that's a snap — once you know how to build your foundation (and you're privy to Corey's automation strategies).

If you've got eight hours a day, and you want to make a six figure income, that's easy too — but only once your foundation is solid. Corey still makes $500,000 annually from his "Car Secrets" business, and it takes just 20 minutes per day to run. But that's because he laid a solid foundation.

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