Super Bonus #2:
The #1 Fatal Mistake Made By
Internet Marketers (Fix it and
Explode Your Sales By 400%)!

If millions of people need your product, but few are responding to your ads — and even fewer are buying — you've already made this mistake. This is the same mistake Corey Rudl made when he first published his “Car Secrets” book.

He spent tens of thousands of dollars on marketing, but barely broke even… until he discovered exactly who was buying his book and why. After fixing this fatal mistake, his sales exploded by an incredible 400%! Literally overnight!

In this Special Report, you'll learn to determine, in advance, whether or not you can reach people who are already hungry to buy your product. And you'll discover why products that sell like crazy in retail stores — even “breakthrough” products — can be impossible to sell on the ‘Net.

You'll always make correct decisions when launching a new product. You'll never again waste time or money promoting products that aren't cut out for online marketing.

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